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Study Tip: Study From Your Toaster

Study vocabulary for your junior cert by sticking post-it notes all over your house

The first study tip that I have for you is the Post-it Note Method. I recommend this study method, in particular for learning new foreign language vocabulary or vocabulary that you are struggling to remember.

As you can see in the pictures, one side of the post-it note has the foreign language written on it. The other side has the English translation.

Study vocabulary for your junior cert by sticking post-it notes all over your house

To make sure that you remember the new word, stick the post-it note on surfaces you are bound to look at on a daily basis. For example, stick the post-it note on your desk in your bedroom, on your wall, on your bedroom door, on the mirror in your bathroom, on your fridge or even on your toaster! Every time you pass a post-it note, look at the foreign word facing you and attempt to guess the English word. When you think you know the word completely, remove the post it note from wherever you've put it.

Learning with the foreign language facing you is great when studying for reading comprehensions or listening comprehensions. If you are studying for written work or oral exams, keep the English side facing you and try to guess the foreign language.

Tips when using the Post-it Note method:

  • Don’t turn over the post-it note to reveal the answer unless you have taken a guess

  • Don’t take the post-it note off the surface unless you are confident that you definitely remember the new word

  • After taking the post-it note off your surface, store them safely in a box for future reference and they can always be used again!

With German I found this method particularly useful because when I woke up in the morning, I saw the German words all over my house; when I went to eat breakfast, brushed my teeth and went to tidy up my bed. I quickly learnt a lot of new German words.

Think about it, by learning two new words a day, in a years time you'll know 730 new words!

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