Study Tip: Handling Disappointing Mock Results
Many students are nearly finished their mocks by now, and maybe a few of you are just starting. This blog post is about what to do when you're let down by your mock results.
After you have gotten your mock results back, you might notice that you've gotten lower results than expected and this can be really upsetting. It can make study feel pointless or the junior cert seem impossible, but we promise that it's all worth it!
It's always good to look at where you went wrong, although this can be a bit daunting. If you made simple mistakes, remind yourself that it's okay. It'll serve as an incentive to check over your answers multiple times during the real Junior Cert. If you simply didn't know the answers that's alright too, it'll give you an idea of what needs the most revision.
If you are disappointed with your results, set yourself a goal to bump up your grade at least once in the junior cert and this'll help you to motivate yourself. If ever you're feeling like studying is pointless, remind yourself of that simple goal and put in that hour of study which you might have spent playing video games instead.
It's possible that your parents might start putting extra pressure on you once you've gotten your results, but letting them know how you're feeling and telling them about your new goal is really important and will probably reassure them that you are trying hard.
Keep in mind, as well, that you mightn't have finished the course yet and maybe other factors we're stopping you from getting as much study done as you might have liked.
The most important thing is to keep in mind that your mock results don't determine your actual results and there's always room for improvement.
Keep Studying,
The A+ Study Notes Team