Study Tip: Handling Disappointing Mock Results
Many students are nearly finished their mocks by now, and maybe a few of you are just starting. This blog post is about what to do when...

Good Luck
To all of the 3rd years, 6th years and anyone else who happens to be sitting an exam at the moment, we wish you all the best in your...

The 4 Ps of an Irish Story
When writing your Scéal it’s always a good idea to write a brief plan before hand. For stories, a good guideline is to keep it to 6 or maybe

Study Tip: How to Get an "A in Business
Good luck in Business!

Study Tip: Colour Coding Textbooks
It's time to take notes from your textbook. Suddenly, there is a large block of black text just staring at you in the face. You may be t

Study Tip: Highlight the Right Way
It's way too easy to get carried away with a highlighter and go overboard. Highlighters are designed to help you revise notes or a chapt

Study Tip: How to Test Yourself
Now that you have finished studying, how do you know that you have absorbed all of the information you have just learned? A great way to...

Study Tip: Revise what you have studied
A very important study tip that I learned when doing the Junior Chert was to revise what you have already studied! There is no point...

Study Tip: Study On The Go
The study tip of that I have for you is methods of studying when you are on the go! As many students walk, take the bus or get a lift to...

Study Tip: Acronyms and Mnemonics
My tip for this week is to make acronyms for anything you're finding harder than usual to remember or anything you want to make a bit mo